Worship Team
Worship Team is an integral part of Christian Life Centre and exists to glorify God and encourage the congregation into a place of thanksgiving, praise and worship each week.
We are all called to worship God. The Worship Team enables people to express their desire to worship in a practical sense, and learn how to lead people into worship using their particular gifts and talents. Its also allows people to work within a worship team environment.
Our desire is to train and mentor people in areas that best releases their gifting into worship, using the musical talents within the team that reflect the character of worship at CLC. We aim to remain musically alive, relevant and fresh, with the primary focus on worship.
We strive for excellence in our Worship Team, both as individuals and as a team. We are committed to seeing the next generation rise and fulfil their God-given potential and in so encourage our young people to be involved within the Worship Team as well as their our Youth Band.
As a worship team we desire to create a resting place for God’s presence and learn to minister to Him as His children.
We would love to welcome you and become a part of what God is doing in our church. Please Contact Us for more details!
Andrew Challoner
Worship Team Leader
Life Centres
“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Life Centres are a vital and important part of the life of our church here at Christian Life Centre. We have many Life Centres and each one has it’s distinctive “flavour”.
These midweek gatherings are filled with passionate discussions, prayer, fun and of course food!! This is a place where close relationships are formed in an atmosphere of acceptance and freedom of expression. We learn to care about the day to day lives and challenges of the people around us. They are great place to invite your friends along to.
Life Centres meet on Tuesday nights, Wednesday nights and Friday nights and are located in various areas on the Northern Beaches.
If you are not part of a home group and are interested in giving one a go please call the church office during the week (9979 7073) and someone will be more than happy to direct you to one closest to you.
Ps. Terry Appel
Director Life Centre
It takes courage, endurance and sacrifice to fulfil our roles as men. The Men’s Ministry at Christian Life Centre seeks to connect, engage, support and encourage men to enable them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, their families and those around them. We aim to provide opportunities for men to help equip them to influence their world for Jesus.
In order to do this we run a number of structured and unstructured activities that center around gathering men together and reaching out to men in the church and community. This may be through discipleship and mentoring activities, fundraising, sporting events, meals, education, father/son camps and other activities that provide an opportunity to help equip men to fulfil their purpose in Christ.
If you want to get information about our group, please subscribe to our mailing list.
John Wagstaff + Team
Men’s Ministry
Missions is the heart beat of our church. God calls us to go and make disciples.
Missions always start at home, it’s here where we gain credibility, and learn the skills required to reach a dying world. Our support reaches the nations of the world. From Australia to Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri-Lanka, Mauritius, Sudan and not forgetting a number of itinerant Evangelists in this country to the Aboriginals and beyond.
“Let me encourage you in your continued giving to missions, there’s much to be done. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15
Find out more about Christian Life Centres Missions program on our blog.
Ps. John Wagstaff (Australian Missions)
Ps. Lamberta Groves (International Missions)
Prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s life.
Here at Christian Life Centre we value prayer and are always happy to pray for you.
If you have any prayer needs please contact the office – Contact Us
Another vital prayer arm of the church are the prayer link teams and the intercessors.
Note: All prayer requests are kept confidential.
Ps.Patricia Mills
Director Prayer
Production Team
The production team at Christian Life Centre incorporates the sound, video, multimedia and recording departments. Our role is to provide consistent and reliable technical support to Pastor Terry and the church leadership, the Worship team team, the Central Youth, and the church congregation.
Examples of our involvement include:
Producing quality live sound for services.
Video presentations and announcements.
Podcasts of the service (weekly)
Twitter and website updates
Young Adults big screen movie and game nights.
“To provide the technological platform that is needed that allows people to enter into the presence of God through Worship, prayer and the reading of the word.”
— Production Team Vision
We would love you to come and be part of what God is doing in our church. Please contact the office on 9979-7073 for details. To contact me or to be involved in the team you can email the office on
Mark Young
Director Production team
Senior’s Church
An Interdenominational Ministry designed specifically to cater to the needs of Seniors.
The aim of this ministry is to encourage seniors to maintain a “refiring” mentality instead of a “retiring” mindset. If you are a senior person you are most welcome to join us each week.
Psalm 92:12-14 is our Senior Church Psalm
“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing”
A church service weekly:
Venue: Christian Life Centre
Downstairs coffee room (clc cafe)
Corner Barrenjoey Road & Polo Avenue, Mona Vale
Time: Tuesday Mornings 10:00am – 11.00am
Seniors’ Church is a different type of service as the format is not set. There is preaching, communion, prayer for healing, prayers for those in need and morning tea afterwards.
Ps. Patricia Mills
Senior’s Church Pastor
Women’s Ministry continues to change as most of the women are involved in full-time or part time employment. What an opportunity to influence in all these different areas. The scope and sphere of women’s ministry has changed and enlarged.
Our goal as a pastoral team is to keep women strong in the Lord and able to stand as witnesses and lead others to Christ and disciple them. Whether it be in mother’s groups or in the corporate arena etc, our goals are that women KNOW WHO THEY ARE and INFLUENCE THOSE AROUND THEM. Our two main ingredients are witness and fellowship.
Our methods of achieving these two goals vary with the times and situations. They can be fun movie nights, pamper nights, “doing coffee” after the women’s prayer meetings, breakfasts and dinners. Flexibility has been a key. Whatever it takes to care for one another and attract those that don’t know Jesus!
Ps. Lamberta Groves (Oversight)
Mrs Tamsin Haes
Women’s Ministry
Junior Church
We believe that children are one of our societies most vitally important assets and so we provide primary school-aged children with their own vibrant and fun church service each Sunday Morning organised and run by a caring team of leaders and volunteers.
We aim to make Junior Church a fun and safe environment to learn about God and encourage our children in their relationship with Him, using practical examples that young children can understand and relate to.
Our desire is that each child will embark upon their own journey of discovering and growing strong in their faith in Jesus – at the end of the day it’s all about relationship; relationship with each other and relationship with God.
Matthew & Ellouise Harris
Children’s Ministry
Kindy/Creche (2-5 Years)
Our beautiful little kindy-churchers are enthusiastic about everything and have energy to burn. Here at Christian Life Centre Kindy Church, our aim is to provide our children with a fun and safe environment that suits their needs. Active free play, social interaction with their peers, small learning activities, games and acceptance in a Christian environment.
If you have 2 – 5 year olds at home on Sunday Morning with nothing to do, bring them along and they’ll have a fun filled time.
Faye Appel
Coordinator Kindy Church